Welcome to the Exploring the Stars Blog!
I started this blog to spread the love for what I believe to be an incredibly fulfilling hobby. I hope to help beginners understand the fundamentals of visual astronomy and astrophotography, and get people excited to spend their nights under the stars! The best thing about astronomy is you have all the resources you need to start. All you need is your eyes and some clear skies (which can be more elusive than you might expect).
I got into this hobby in the summer of 2019. I quickly expanded my gear to encompass a big pair of binoculars, a star-tracker for long exposure photography, a camera and telephoto lens. (Feel free to browse my gallery to see the sorts of images you can get very early on in your astrophotography journey!) If you're willing to invest in them, these items will help you dive deep into an exploration of the incredible objects which exist in our galaxy and universe.
So sit back, get comfortable, and pray for some clear skies!